Dear Professor,
What a challenging field we have. Every couple of years, an emergent topic dominates the conversation requiring new courses and textbooks. In our 9 years of business, the most-requested topic has shifted from cybersecurity to digital transformation to data analytics to data visualization and this year to artificial intelligence.
But these are not fads!
Each of these topics continues to be of growing importance.
It is exciting to be part of these changes and to help by providing the strong textbooks you need to support your teaching. We continually work to advance our offerings on topics already embedded in the curriculum, recently identified topics of importance, and newly emergent topics. This effort keeps us so busy that we are always playing catchup.
AI Textbooks are in the Works
At our latest meetings, including AMCIS, we have been getting hopeful requests, “Do you have a textbook on AI, anything?” AI has emerged as an important topic that is affecting business broadly. We have been hearing how AI is being used in every domain. It seems that very soon everyone will need to be literate in AI. In the short term, there is a growing and highly important need for application experts to lead in this next business transformation.
We do not have a textbook on AI, yet. What we do have is several authors who are looking to write an AI textbook. Each of them is taking a different view which should lead to several distinct textbooks to serve different populations.
Starting this fall, a flurry of preliminary chapters should start arriving at Prospect Press. We will have a big need for reviewers. If you are teaching an AI class or interested in teaching one in the future, let us know if you would like to be a reviewer. Reviewers are key to our textbook development process. They help assure that our textbooks best serve emerging classroom needs including yours.
Click here to sign up as a reviewer:
New Textbooks to be Released this Year
Fundamentals of Java Programming for Information Systems
by Jeremey Ezell
This book will be released later this fall, in time for Spring 2024 adoptions. Java has been a programming language of choice in the information curriculum. However, there has not been an introductory textbook that focuses on the specific needs of Information Systems majors and real-world business problems.
With this publication, Prospect Press adds to its strong collection of introductory programming textbooks specifically designed for IS majors including
Python for Data & Analytics
by Daniel Groner, and
C# Programming for Information Systems
by George C. Philip
Two more textbooks are on track to be released in the spring including
Introduction to Sports Analytics using R,
by Ryan Elmore and Andrew Urbaczewski, and
Enterprise Network Infrastructure & Security,
by Thomas Case
We are planning to attend the following conferences this fall. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS),
October 4-7, Clearwater, FL.
ACM Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE),
October 11-14, at Kennesaw State University, Marietta, GA.
New England chapter of the Association of Information Systems (NEAIS),
October 28, at University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
NEAIS 2023 Website
Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP, formerly EDSIGCON)
November 1-4, Albuquerque, NM
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
December 5-8, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Best wishes for a fun and productive fall term!
-- Beth
Beth Lang Golub, President & Editor